Candle Wax

Q: What can you tell customers about removing candle wax from a linen tablecloth?

A: DLI advises that if a customer asks you about home stain removal of candle wax stains, advise them to first remove any buildup of wax, then place the stained area between two multiple layers of paper towels and apply a warm iron to the area. The iron should soften the wax so it will transfer onto the towel. Repeat until all wax buildup is removed. To prevent redeposition of the stain, tell them to make sure that they use a clean paper towel each time. Once the buildup is removed, the area should be treated with a solvent-based laundry product and washed in hot water.

Suggested Reading
DLI's Encyclopedia of Drycleaning Online features thousands of garments about all things drycleaning and is included as part of Standard, Gold, Premier or International memberships. Here are some bulletins to help further your understanding of this issue:

  • Technical Operating Information (TOI) No. 705: Stain Removal 101, Part 4: Combination Stains: Inks, Cosmetics, Paints
  • Technical Operating Information (TOI) No. 705: Stain Removal 101, Part 5: Unknown Stains
  • Technical Operating Information (TOI) No. Focus: Stain Removal Agents